another day home. we didnt plan to do anything today. i have been working around the house as usual. trying to make up for not being able to get things done the last few days.
when i have a day where i am ok pain wise, i tend to over due it. i know i shouldnt be its hard not to when you know you need to get stuff done.
now i need to move the trunk to be able to fit the rabbit cage better. so it means i need to move stuff around in the sun room and then pull the trunk in there. so for me thats a couple of days work. it also means finding new places for the stuff on the trunk as well. now that i have this work to do its turned hot and humid again.
brent has been great helping more around the house but i still feel i should be doing more while off work. there is going to come a day when i wont be able to do much at all. i have seen the ravages of fibro and its not pretty....
see you tomorrow