another very hot day today. i cant wait any longer i have to can the pineapple i bought i sale. so i am making fruit salad today. so the kitchen will be hot. but i dont want to waste the fruit. canning season is a hot season. i understand why some had outdoor kitchens now. i got 8 2 cup jars. not bad for a hot day. the pot is cooling now.

i am forcing myself to only drink water during the day instead of tea. it is supposed to be hot like this for the next week or so. i watered early this morning and did a bit of weeding. weeds the bane of my gardening. a never ending job is weeding. i do what i can but sometimes when i am bent over too long i feel like i am going to pass out. so i do a little bit here and there and hope its enough for now.

i am now in the extreme fatigue part of my day. i am sitting in this chair swaying ...i am that tired. i dont want to sleep but i know if i go and get comfy i will.

no mail today. good i guess no bills. as the days go by i am getting nervous about my eye surgery. hard not to think about it.

some new flowers blooming in the garden today. tomatoes are blooming and squash and lillies....all wonderful to look at. i am seeing bees so that is great too. the plums didnt bloom this year. i am thinking the tree is still too young. i have to water again later and then shower and bed. i was so sleepy all afternoon i bet i wont be able to sleep tonight.....