cold start to the day. i left the plant covers on until after shopping. there was a threat of frost last night. i think i lost one of the squash plants. oh well....nothing i can do now.

i am doing the garden this year. brent will help when i need it. last year the city decided that since our gardens were large we where running a farm. i canned everything we grew. so no we were not selling anything. we also had chickens. we got fined for that. so the city told brent no garden no chickens. but the city didnt say i could not have a garden. hence why i am doing the garden this year.

sun is out and its starting to warm up ....finally. it makes it nice in the sunroom. i got some art done today too. a couple of collage pages but they are fun to do and take my mind of things for a bit.

i did some transplanting today too. my hibiscus flowers. i used an old planter and they look nice in it. i also did work on my bookcases and discarded a few more books. so i have gotten rid of about half of the books on one side of the bookcases. now i have room to display the orange glass better.

i will be feeling all this work tomorrow. i am starting to feel sore now. will need extra pain meds tomorrow. we got shopping done. only 2 stops but that was enough for me. i also stopped and dropped off some donation to the thrift shop. the days when the pain level is lower i do have more energy but when its high i feel like i have been hit by a truck. i cant seem to drag my butt to do anything. i often wonder if my sister has it as well. but since we dont talk its not worth my time to wonder....