brent working from home is really putting a crimp into my routine. i am sure he likes not having to leave the house but trying to get things done while he is wondering around is hard. now i need to think of something for dinner and once again i am not hungry. apparently its not unusual to loose your urge to eat when you are in a lot of pain. when i do want something to eat its something like soup , or a sandwich. something small and simple. i love hummus and crackers but that does not go over well for dinner with brent. tried to explain to him that hummus has protein and crackers can be the carb, but he has his mind set on a hunk of meat.

its sunny today so may have to water later. i need to cut the rest of the dill and dry it . that grew really fast too. i am still hoping for some tomatoes after the deer got into the garden and had lots of snacks on the plants.

well time to get back to the chores...floors are dry.
dishes are done . still no idea what i want for dinner. still not hungry.

so i made some packet noodles for dinner with some crackers and a homemade v8 juice. it filled the hole i guess.

watered the garden and did some weeding. i saved the clover for the rabbit. i am drying some on the porch. i also have the dove pair i am selling in their own cage now. ready to go when i go get the rabbit.

i didnt nap today, so i am very tired now. see you tomorrow....