day 6 of 6 and i am so glad this week is over. i am tired and in alot of pain. i came home after getting some PPE from the office. i brought in the used PPE i had been saving in a bag at home. i showed the office and said i do change my gloves etc. just because no one sees me do it does not mean i dont. seems i was more upset about it than the office. they completely let it go and forgot about it. it is still hard for me to let go but i proved my point and i should let it go now. but that stupid little shit really pissed me off.

i forgot to stop and get my meds. so i guess i will on friday morning when i go for my eye appt. its just for a check up to make sure everything is still ok.

on a happier note i got some happy mail today. i got 2 really nice cards and i also sent out 3 today as well. i needed some relax time this afternoon and designed a couple new cards. they are pretty simple but sometimes less is more. will post them online tomorrow. not much trading going on for me this week. i think people are busy making up some xmas stuff. i have a few up now , but so far no takers. maybe things will pick up next week for trades. i am also re making some cards as well. one of the flower type cards trades well.

so tomorrow i am going to stay home and not go anywhere. i have lots of chores to do and make dinner of course. he wants meat and potatoes. i made stew...isnt that meat and potatoes? i so dont want a slab of meat on a plate.

i was thinking of my kids today. do they think of me at all ? do they wonder how i am doing? have they seen me in the store and not said anything? did they think of me on mothers day or my birthday? i didnt get a call so i guess not. sigh...i miss them and think of them always

its getting late and i am ready for bed see you all tomorrow.