good morning. i have a few things on the list of things to do today. its a cool morning so will get at it soon when my pain meds kick in. some days the meds work better than others. its cloudy this morning so may get rain later. no errands to do today, no desire to go out either.

i often wonder if anyone would notice if i just disappeared. i will be chatting to people on facebook and they suddenly just stop talking to me , like they wonder away and forget i am on the phone so to speak. is it really worth my time to continue chatting with them. i am thinking not. they might think its ok but for me its hurtful. i just feel like i am being tossed aside like i am nothing. rather have no friends than feel like this.

got some chores done and the birds and rabbits cleaned. i have to go out later and pick up the drs note to bring to work. the thought of going back to work scares me. i dont like things i dont know. i am going to be getting a whole list of new people and they probably dont want me either. then there is the fact i have no idea where these people live and i am finding street numbers hard to see when driving. so not sure what to do.

i better go get dressed back later.

back now and i got my drs note. i will bring it into work when my glasses are done.

brent ordered dinner so i picked that up . i was looking forward to it. its not sitting right so i only ate a little. i also picked some soup bases from the bulk food place. i figure i can have that if i cant eat anything else.

i get that sick feeling so easy . i almost passed out waiting for the takeout.

i am going to close here for now and see you all tomorrow.. i am going to lay down for a bit.