i am not very good at reading the 'stats' page. i have no idea what it all means really. no idea if the numbers are good or bad or it really does not matter.
its been a busy day. i got the aviary done and dinner. i think that was a big acomplishment. i also got some current trades ready for the mail.
i got some die cuts in the mail today. they are not cutting very well. this is the first time i have had die cuts not perform the way they are supposed to. i have tried the tin foil thing not sure how much it helped.
pain level was med high today and acid reflux is high. i hope it will settle down before bed.
next day. well i didnt finish this post last night as brent and i had a fight. i really didnt want to debate the merrets of cageing a bird or not for brooding. seems the lady we sold the doves to wants babies. i explained that the birds need a safe secure private place to sit on eggs. no a wide open place where they will be disturbed all the time. she says she knows what she is doing. well if she did she would have babies. i have a crap load of babies because i give the birds the quiet and privacy they need.
i went to bed and left it at that. i was not going to deal with someone at 10pm for something like that. she wanted another bird. i think not.
so today i went and got my meds and some more spools of paper. didnt take me as long as i thought it would. so i was at work in good time. i even did a quick drive through and got some dinner. i got the rabbit cage cleaned . big job but needs to be done. brent says he would have done it if i told him to do it. i am thinking i should not have to tell you to clean cages, wash the back of dishes or wipe the toilet seat cause you peed on it. sigh. i got my uniforms ready for next week . pain levels high today so was careful about how i did things. i got everything in the mailbox. they will sit in the mailbox till monday but at least they are out the door. i have one more to get ready. that will take a bit longer as i am sending 4 cards.
geez i am getting bad at forgetting to post.
i heard the front door close and wondered what was up. brent went to the hospital , his kidney stone must be bad if he went to the hospital. so now i am up for the day. i have a covid test later and need to go buy some cat food etc.
will post now...sigh