i didnt start my entry until now because i was not sure i would be able to with all the problems with my internet today. so here i am. decient day today pain wise. i got a load of laundry out on the line. got the front hall swept and vaccumed and washed. renewed my meds for tomorrow and got dinner made. i got most of the floors washed just have a bit more to do. then of course there are dishes to do. i will need to gather more grass to dry for the winter for the rabbit. so far i have some in a box but need it to last until next april or may. so a long way off for sure.
bunny wants out to play again , will let him out next time i get up. he has grown alot since i brought him home. he can now hop onto my chair. so that means when ever he wants something he can bug me for it, just like the cats.
i got some art done today too. it was nice to be able to get some work done and not be bothered for a change. got more gluing done and die cut some more butterflies. the cards should be done on time, i hope. it will take 2 weeks to get there.
i also got my new credit card today. i was very surprised. i didnt expect it until sometime next week. the only thing was the guy didnt make me sign for it or ask for ID. reminds me of the time when someones passports where delivered to our house. good thing we found them and not someone else. we brought them to the address and the lady was very happy to get them. something like that should be signed for at the post office, not left wondering around in the mail.
no two days are ever the same for me. i can be good one day and be crap the next . or even be good in the morning and crap by night time. i never know what my body will do . i feel so alone in this alot of the time. i know there are others with fibro but its so hard to talk about with a stranger. i dont think anyone really understands chronic pain unless you have it. you cant see it , cant find it on an xray or bloodwork. its just there saying i am going to make your life hell.
i will need to head out tomorrow to get my meds. so hopfully i wont be too cranky when i am done. i am going to close here for now and go feed the birds. see you all tomorrow.....