i have a very busy day. besides work i have an eye appt about my glasses. i also have to get the next pot of tomato sauce canned. sometimes i wish i could win a butt load of money so i would not ever have to work and be in this much pain again. i was in so much pain yesterday that i felt sick all day. i am glad i didnt throw up at all at work. i did get a break however and that helped a bit.

time to get ready for work. be back later.

much much later...
work is over . so glad its over. i wish i could rearrange the list so as to suit better the people i am seeing. some dont want to get up some have been up for hours and others dont care. sometimes i am so fed up with how the office does things and how they treat the employees. we are the ones doing the work and get treated like crap. if everyone quit on the same day same time they would really be screwed.

no mail for me today but i did get some things out in the mail. i wanted to do so much tonight when i got home, but i fell asleep instead. i guess i was more tired then i thought. my breain is still very foggy but will have to keep going till bed time. i will have to catch up tomorrow. i got the birds fed and rabbit fed and caged.

i also got my new cards photographed and sent to my email. so now i can post them for trade. i have a few more on the go so hope to finish them tomorrow. i have so many ideas now that i have to write them down so i remember to do them.

tomorrow is my day off and i wont be going out. not that i want to. i have to finish the pot of tomatoes and i bought some nectarines when i was walmart. i had to go to walmart after work for my eye appointment. i am now waiting on the new lenses for my glasses. so hopfully thats the end of eye stuff for now.

its late now and i am going to close for now and head to bed...see you all tomorrow...