i have been so busy today trying to get as much as possible done today. i am feeling ok so taking advantage of it. its all the heavy chores. tomorrow i have laundry to put out . i changed the bed today and sorted the sheets on the shelf. trying to match them up together. they get messy so fast. got the rabbit cage done. i have also been trying to teach the rabbit that when i shake his food dish i want him to come home and today it worked! so i must be doing something right.
i have no idea what to make for dinner. i am not hungry at all. i would be happy with soup. i dont think brent would be. i have some hummus in the frig too. maybe i will have some fruit later. maybe just a cold plate tonight.
i am still trying to get caught up on dishes. it never ends. i have the canning pot soaking in the sink as a jar broke in the pot. so it really needs to be washed well.
its late now and i still have not posted this. i had soup for dinner. i got a load of socks ready for the line tomorrow. i also wove in all the ends on the 13 pairs of socks i have finished since jan. so i can pick a pair to wear tomorrow if i go out. i also sold some of my baby plants. which is good because i had no idea where to put them in the fall. they are in the sun room right now. the lady will be by to pick them up tomorrow.
time to get ready for bed....see you all tomorrow...