i really want to make some cards today. i wish i had my desk. this business of brent working from home really sucks. i want to do some painting and gluing but leaving them on the table means the cats might walk on them. i miss my desk and my office. i miss being able to be alone some place in the house and no one bother me. i know i know, be careful what you wish for. i just want to be able to find my stuff again and not be in a big pile because brent does not like it on the kitchen table. well i have no other place to work, he has my office and the sun room is too cold now. i have alot of things in the house because it freezes in the sunroom, like my glues and tapes and stickers etc.
i have to leave soon i am getting a covid test. i will be getting one of those every 2 weeks for the foreseeable future. just one more thing i have to do. the test wont take long i am doing the drive through one.
later. well that was fun...not. my nose hurt for about 10 min after but not as much pain as i thought it would be. so in a few days i should know. i have to go online to get results. then i have to get hard copy for both work and the retirement home i work in.
i have spent most of the day gluing and preping some cards. i found the xmas stamp i bought. so i can use that on some of the cards. so for the rest of the week i will be doing some glueing and adding details. the fun part. i am trying to use up what i have. only thing i bought alot of lately is glue. i bought a roll of blue xmas paper to try and idea. it did not take long to work up. now maybe someone will want to trade for it. i worked with glitter today, so its all over again....sigh.
i made muffins today and they turned out really good, i had 2. i did some grocery shopping. got a few things. we didnt need much. i need to get some fruit from down stairs, to use in my lunch.
i didnt take any pain meds today. i am saving it for sat when i do split shift. i know i will be in alot of pain as i will be very tired. i am not sure what to do about monday again. by monday i will be very sleep deprived and in alot of pain so not in a good mood over all. i wish i could make the office understand this but its like they dont hear anything i say or they dont want to hear me.
i still have chores to do later and need a shower and get my uniforms ready for the week. so i will close here for now and see you all tomorrow.