i was up early again today, mostly because i had to go to the bathroom yet again. but in the end it gets me going to finish the tomatoes which are in the canner now. so that is done.
today is also day 1 of 6 days of work. yuck. i wish i had some extra pain pills. i really need them during this time.
i also traded another card yesterday. good thing its almost ready to go in the mail. i made an album on the facebook page but i dont think many are interested in the cards i make. the trick is to find something alot of people like and are willing to trade for. that is the hard part. will keep playing with ideas...and see how it goes.
much much later...almost bed time.
home from work now, i had my shower and got a few things ready for the morning. some days i feel like i am always at work....
i am going to try and get the pineapple canned tomorrow. there is enough for a few jars. i dont want it to go bad before i eat it. it was 2 good sized pineapples.
i better get to bed 430 comes early....see you all tomorrow