i was up early this morning. its very foggy out. i can barely see across the road. if the sun comes out it will burn off.

i picked up some stuffing yesterday, the kind you put into small toys. i have been knitting a small bear. i am done making all the parts so now i can start putting it together. then i will decide if i like it or not. i really like making small things like this. but then i end up with all these bears or toys and dont know what to do with them. i know your thinking why not sell them , well i am too chicken to have a craft sale. i dont like dealing with people and i am not a very good salesperson. i have avoided craft sales and such because i am not good at it. my friend ruth was a great artist but she was also a great salesperson. so i have bins of things i have made and no idea what to do with. i would like to sell them in a store ,have to find one first.

i am good at growing cactus and succulents. all the little plants i had transplants earlier this summer are sold and i traded some for a plant i didnt have. most of my little plants are in the sunroom, i am wondering where they will go when the frost comes. maybe the bedroom window. i can grow a pretty good cactus but things like herbs i forget to water and of course they end up wilted or dead.

the rabbit will want out for a run soon. he has gotten so big and strong. he can hop onto a chair and lower window ledges. he keeps trying to make friends with the cats and follows them around. the cats are getting better with the bunny.

my shoulder is killing me today. not sure if its the weather or just from yesterday. will need extra pain meds today.

later: i finished the little bear. he turned out cute and really like the size too. small enough to fit into a childs pocket and take with them if they want to. i am still debating on adding a ribbon. will think on that some more.

i did alot more gluing on the trading cards. now i wait for them to dry again. thats the hard part, waiting for glue to dry. next i start making the id cards for the back. my printing is not so great, so i have been putting this off for a long time. since my hands have gotten weaker my handwriting is not so good.

brent took a decent picture of the new bear. i would like to post it on here but no idea how. maybe you cant. i dont know. wish they would make some things more user friendly. i am not very computer savy so i would need it to be “how to post pictures on this post for dummies”.

i have been thinking alot about the grandkids as schools here gear up to open. i wonder how they are doing, if they are scared. how they feel about wearing a mask. i hope to know someday.

its getting late and i am getting tired. see you all tomorrow.