i was up early today as i needed to shower and get ready to go out. today was shopping day. grocery shopping is always hard for me. all the lifting of heavy stuff like cat litter. i didnt want to go to walmart or value village. so i just did one stop and came home. i had to can the apple butter anyways.

i got the groceries put away and decided on something for dinner. i made chicken with corn and potatoes. turned out ok. i got the apple butter canned and jars boxed up but need to be labled. now i need to get caught up on dishes again. it seems its never ending. if it was just me i certainly would not make such big meals anymore.

the bunny is doing well and loves to run around the house. i have never seen such a small creature poop so much. i wash the floor alot.

my surprise babies are doing well . i have 3 dark doves and 1 light . nice looking birds and mom and dad are good parents.

i managed to finish my postcard to send overseas. it is drying on my desk. will address it and write a note on it later. i think it turned out good. i also finished a note card to send to another penpal. will try and get them in the mail asap.

pain levels are coming back up today. i felt it when i was shopping. i did my shot of jello and feel a little better now. hope i sleep tonight. i didnt sleep well last night. lots of pain in my shoulders and hips.

i often wonder if my kids and grandkids think of me, or am i now forgotten on the garbage pile of life....i miss them so much.

see you all tomorrow....