i was up late this morning. i am thinking its the heat still. the heat is supposed to break tonight. i hope so. the humidex is 40c again today. i dont think i will be turning the oven on or stove. just the thought of it is making me sweat more. if the summers continue like this we are going to have to put in air conditioning. we wont have a choice when we get older. its just too hot for older people and for those that care for them.
so i got some fun mail yesterday. a letter from out in BC . i am working on a reply now. based on the postage date it took 2 weeks to get here. so will get it off in the mail asap. so it gives me an idea of how many letters i may or may not get in a month. no mail today. no bills at least.
its so hot right now i cant wear my glasses as i am sweating so much onto them. i didnt even spend much time on my collage pages. it was just too hot so early in the day. its clouded over right now so i am hoping we get a good rain soon.
one of the big hanging nesting baskets fell down overnight. no birds died but 2 where trapped. i freed them and emptied the nesting materieals as it was getting heavy again. so it will be awhile before the birds settle again. oh and yesterday i found a surprise baby. i really try and make sure the eggs are removed but sometimes i do miss some. but on the bright side it will be a light coloured dove. maybe a light tan. we shall see in a couple of weeks when the feathers are more grown in. right now it has this amusing light fuzz on it.
i really miss knitting. for me its just so hard to knit when it so hot. everything it just so sticky.
i am not even eating during the day. no appetite in this heat. i make a cold sandwich and that is about it and drinking lots of water. no tea during the day, just my morning cup of tea.
not sure if i will be watering the garden later . i thinking i hear distant thunder. i look at the gardens and think how lucky those plants are. they get a space to grow. all the need is sun and water to live. no worries about bills or how to pay the rent . no worries on how the kids are. plant seeds could be any place , but a plant does its best to produce the best seeds possible and send them into the world knowing they will be the best plant possible.....