it ended up being a nice day. it was supposed to rain. so no laundry out today. tomorrow its supposed to be nice too.

brent and i went out on a farmers stand tour today. the stands are very far apart. took us over 4 hours to do about a dozen. it was nice to get out and see the area and meet some new people. we did buy a few things. some goat cheese . and some flower and herb plants. there were some farms with nothing out yet. but the season is still early. maybe go back out in a month and see what they have to offer.

i am tired and sore. soreness from yesterday . but i have to get it done. brent cant do it. the city told him he cant have gardens for 2 yrs. they didnt tell me i couldnt. so i end up having to do all the work. so its going to take longer because of the pain levels etc.

brent went to get some gold fish for the ponds. they eat the bug larvae and keep it somewhat clean. he asked if they would be interested in buying some doves and they said they would call. so maybe i will be able sell off some more. i only hope they go to a good home.

i would like to sit in the sunroom tonight and do some needlework but its too full of winter stuff. so will have to clear that out first.

both of us are tired so it was frozen pizza for dinner . i still have to feed the birds and check on them before turning out the light. brent is making dinner tomorrow. so maybe i can work on it then. after i finish weeding the first garden bed and planting the tomatoes...