its another monday. my eye is healing well thank goodness. i made an appt to get my hair done on wed. its been well over 10 yrs since i last went to a salon to get my hair done. i am not thrilled about having to cut my hair. why am i cutting it? its because my hair is getting so thin now its probably time. i can only imagine what my hair will look like with hat head in the winter.

we are supposed to get a thunder storm today. so far nothing. its hot and humid, even the cats are just laying around. the day has gone by so fast. between all of the drops i have to do which is 4 times a day right now, and chores and trying to get some things moved the day is almost over. i have half frozen chicken in the oven . i feel to sick to eat right now. stomach is upset, but when is it not.

i am still trying to finish a sock . seems i just cant focus on anything. i tried to work on some art and that was a bust. tried to knit , and fingers hurt. dont even want to play the games on facebook. i just watch or listen to tv. listen when i am working around the house.

it rained last night so i dont have to water. i do have to do some weeding. i am drying some of them for the rabbit. he does not seem to like the store bought hay i got for him. i think he is a very spoiled rabbit.

so it was toast for dinner and one of my canned v8's. about all i can handle right now. maybe something more later. its not like i cant stand to loose a few pounds.....

see you tomorrow