its cloudy on and off today. so thought i would take a chance and pull weeds. got lots done. but still have not finished the first bed. its where the tomatoes are going to be planted. i got cherry tomatoes. we eat more of those than the bigger ones. taking a tea break now and then will go back out later and try and finish the bed i am working on. then will start the bed for the squash. i just have to weed , dont have to dig it all out. i dont have the strength to do that anymore.

well done weeding for the day. got it almost all done. need to finish the strawberries. there is alot of grass in between the plants. takes along time as i dont want to break any of the leaves or stems. but for a first day not bad. will be paying for it tomorrow. i can feel that.

this fibro thing so sucks. i used to be able to work outside and have it not bother me. now i am starting to get stiff and sore. and i was getting really dizzy every time i bent over. so i thought it was time to call it a day.

almost time to find something for dinner. wish i didnt have to cook so much. i am just never hungry. but i have to eat to take my pills or i throw up.

spot washed the floors and did dishes. i didnt do laundry as they kept saying it was going to rain. oh well. now what to make for dinner.....