its late in the day now. close to dinner. i have a couple of frozen chicken things in the oven. i am not hungry. i also have the dehydrator going and oranges cooking on the stove. i am going to try to make orange jam. in the dehydrator i have some tomatoes and zuccini. i can put that later in spagetti sauce. i also got the floor washed and laundry out before i went out.
i did it. i went to work and dropped off my note. they didnt take long to call. brent said i got a call from work before i even got home. i did some errands and then went home. i go and pick up my work phone on thurs and get some PPE . i would imagine i will need lots of that. i will be working in one spot. thank goodness. i will be one in a team of 3 in one of the retirement homes not far from where i alive. i am ok with that. its just the long days i am not sure how i am going to deal with. guess i will try it and see. the good thing i had when i was driving around town was i could stop someplace and do a quick errand. pick up something etc. i wont be able to do that now because when i get done most places will be closed. not sure how i will work around that. brent is going to have to step up to the plate and start doing more around the house. after all he is home all day.
i will miss the little bit of art time i had. once the winter gets closer i will be doing more art at the kitchen table at it will be too cold in the sunroom.
i better start packing my back pack for work...snacks and knitting and what ever else i think i might need for the day. i am both scared and ok with going back to work. well at least i will save some money on gas. i wont be driving around town all day.
no mail today, no letters and no bills.
i was feeding the birds today and found another surprise baby. darn thing is almost big enough to fly. mom hid her baby well thats for sure. 2 of the last 4 surprise babies died. they where out of the nest too soon and i think the other birds picked on them. i feel so sad when that happens.
so laundry is in barely before dark. brent reminded me i had laundry out. i got some dishes done. i wanted to clear off more of the counter but we cant have everything . i started my orange jam. will see how it will taste once its cold. then reheat and jar up.
brent sees i am stressing about going back to work. i guess i cant hide things like that well.
its late now time for me to start to get ready for bed. see you all tomorrow....