its late sat and i am ready for bed. late being 520 pm. i got 4 hours sleep last night and i have to go back to work shortly. i am tired and cranky and have no patience for anything or anyone. its gonna be a long night. i am having a last cup of tea before heading out. i am even too tired to have a shower, which means i get undressed, shower and get redressed and go back to work. too much energy for me right now.
i cant post on facebook right now. apparently you cant call men stupid. i got banned from posting for 3 days. oh well. i am too tired to care right now. so will save posting any new cards until tuesday. i have a couple ready. i have a special order almost ready to go out . i got stamps today too. i needed some as i was almost out of everything. i have to make a postcard to send to the UK. i enjoy making those and try and be unique about the cards i make. not sure what i will send back yet but i was thinking xmas. that time of year and all.
speaking of xmas we wont be doing anything. i am working xmas day so not bothering with tree or dinner etc. brent might make something or we might just have frozen pizza. wont be seeing the kids anyhow. so no big deal about me working. extra pay is the only bonus. i am sure i will get some snide remark about me working on a holiday. i guess these people dont think about who is going to work on the holidays. i work every holiday. i have no life. the only friends i have are on paper through the mail half way around the world.
its sunday now. stupid oclock in the morning. i didnt have the energy to finish this last night. i am still tired and still cranky. brent is coughing all night. every time he lays down he starts coughing. exact same thing was going on with me and i was told it was acid reflux. i told him to make an appt with a dr. no no i am ok i dont need to. so now he is coughing so much he has hurt some muscles in his back. now i have to deal with a winey man. sigh. like i need this crap too. pain levels are high this morning due to a lack of proper rest for me. i need more than 4 to 5 hours a night. that is all i get when i work split shift. i am off tomorrow. i need the rest. i cant function so sleep deprived. yesterday morning i felt like a zombie. how can i do a good job when i cant even think right? i didnt even have a quick nap yesterday afternoon as brent was sleeping and i didnt want to miss the time for going back to work. it was really hard staying awake.
brent wanted to go out for lunch today. but based on what i saw this morning, he was sleeping in his chair, i dont think we will be. just as well i need to rest for going back to work.
brent went to the hospital this morning. seems he has kidney stones again. granted they are painful, but why are men such wussies when it comes to being in pain. meanwhile women are expected to suck it up and move on. we go to the dr in pain and dr says nothing is wrong, meanwhile we could be dying of something. so now he is back sleeping in his chair and i have to go back to work with no pain meds to keep me going. they have long since worn off. i am hoping to make it to the end and not pass out or throw up, like i almost did this morning. i still have birds to feed and cat boxes to clean.
i am going to post this now...see you all tomorrow....