its monday, and brent is not feeling well. i gave him some asprin yesterday because he said he was very sore . we seem to think he has become intolerant to asprin now. so we will have to remember not to let brent have asprin anymore. men can be babies when sick. i was up early and made tea but no coffee because i dont think brent could drink any of it today. so for me its time for meds and in a bit get ready to start chores. those never end thats for sure.
i will need to get another bag ready for donation this week to. last time ok i was at the thrift shop i bought a new summer dress i really liked and it fit. i also bought some craft supplies for my art journals.
i have not done much on my art journals lately. i think its because brent is home working and his hours keep changing and i cant seem to get a new routine going.
not sure what the day will hold for me , we shall back later
ok later now. i got lots done while brent was in bed. i cooked off all the apples to make apple butter. i did some laundry and dishes of course. cleaned the aviary and feed everyone. i made some soup for brent , not homemade but it helped anyhow. got some of the table cleared off and tried to work on my postcard thats going to the uk. glue takes forever to dry.
the weather has stayed cool so i think i will put the blanket back on the bed after my shower. it was 10c when i got up this morning.
the pain level is low today. i was surprised as i got so much done with out needing more pain meds. the only thing that is up is my acid reflux, guess i better break out the pineapple juice.
my cat loki is still feeling bad after his escape overnight. his face is all swollen and his body hurts i think. no broken skin i could see. i could not pick him up. he would not let me.
its getting late and time for my shower....see you all tomorrow....