its monday and i am supposed to be at work. i am not. i am at home sick. no idea what is wrong with me. i am dizzy, feel sick to my stomach, and weak. i have to wed to figure it out, or hopefully feel better.
i have been hiding in the house since last friday. hoping every morning i wake up and feel better. so far no luck.
got called into the office last thursday. seems there are a few things i am not supposed to do at work, like sleep….lol. i says i will try and not sleep at work. no drinking tea using their mugs or their tea bags too. just petty stuff. will need to bring my own mug and tea bags for hot drinks. then i have to make sure the one lady who always says no to everything , says yes to a shower.
the cats have taken to sleeping on my chest. why i have no idea, but it makes it very hard to turn over. i try and push them off, but they coime right back and take up their spots. like right now i have one cat on either side of me. i can only speculate that its very important they are with me.
when i feel up for it i try and work on something. yesterday it was the granny square blanket for heather. i got a few squares done. the blanket is for xmas so i have lots of time to make more squares. the plan is to make at least one per day. it does not take long to sew them together. the other project is the octopus . its going to take some time with the eight legs and all. will also need a giant bag of stuffing too. i just hope both of my friends like the things i am making and they dont end up in the donate pile.
i am still trying to figure out how to take in my scrub pants. they are just too big now. they are looking terrible. i dont want to loose the pockets or have to make it very complicated. with my slow brain this week i think its going to take me a while.
my oldest keeps checking in almost every day to make sure i am ok. my youngest however is somewhere in the wind. has not called or messaged. no idea what is going on, but i see his green dot on facebook and can only guess that he is ok.
during my pintrest surfing i found some ideas on what i can do with my plums next summer, not just jam. so been saving those ideas too. eating the plums straight from the tree is a totally different flavour than buying from the store. i am thinking that is why i never liked them from the store. i am dreaming of the days when i can once again reach up to my tree and grab a plum for a snack after work.
i had planned on doing some painting this past weekend. instead i was in bed most of the time trying not to be dizzy. i am tired of feeling like crap all the time. i dont want to eat, i am afraid of getting sick. what is my life going to be like when i cant do much anymore. will i be able to get help? until then will do what i can when i can.
i am not making this blanket , just love the look of it.