its monday and i was going to go into work and bring my back to work note. i chickened out. i will go tomorrow...maybe. just the thought of going there makes me feel sick, but i know i will have to sooner or later.

i got the aviary done and swept the floor. rabbit is back in his cage. i am trying to get some dishes done. we are having left overs for dinner. my shoulder is really hurting right now. the paper rolls are really small for the aviary so i dont think those are making the problem worse. i think its just part of the fibro thing. i still have some birds to capture but hopefully that wont take long.

i got all my trading cards done. now its just the backs. do i glue a piece of lined paper on the back. do i just write on the back? i dont know. i looked up some on google and most showed the back used a huge stamp. looks nice for sure. but its something i dont have right now. i joined a trading card group. most members are not in canada but that is to be expected. i will make up a couple more of the cards i just finished and see if i can trade it. i really like working on small pages. its a small quick piece of art. its nice for a change to have something done right away. i usually do things that take a long time. these cards offer me something smaller.

there is a lady i bought a plant from and sold some to that wants one of my bears. so i spent a couple of hours making the plastic pattern pieces . now i need fabric. i do have some but i am sure she wants something similar to already done. so will be on the hunt to find something to cut up. will see what i can find.

pain and brain fog is moderate today. i had some broth around 3 to help settle my stomach. it helped a bit.

its time to go heat up dinner. i am going to close here for now as i am getting very sleepy. see you all tomorrow...