its near the end of the day now. i am thinking of what else i have to do. i totally forgot to clean out the aviary today. i have never forgotten to do that. i will have to do it on sat now. i did get dinner made, no muffins though. i still need to make a trip down to the freezer. i just hate the stairs. they are so steep they freak me out.

i did the usual chores and now i am tired again. i tried to renew my magazine but forgot my stupid password. why do you need to sign up to a web site just to renew a magazine. then being as i use it once a year i will forget the password again. why cant i just go straight to the page and renew it. geez talk about making it difficult.

brent says he will do dishes tonight after i go to bed. we shall see. i dont really care dishes are there no matter what.

got a message from work asking if i change my gloves. and i am thinking what kind of stupid question is that of course i change my fucking gloves all the fucking time. the halfwit shadow says to the office i didnt. its like what the fuck. just because you dont see every move i make does not mean i didnt do it. ffs if you are not sure ask me. i am so sick of people thinking i am not doing my job. if that was true my clients would have been complaining along time ago. that email just through my whole day off. i hope i can sleep tonight. my anxiety is way up now. shit... i dont want to go to work tomorrow. i hope she does not show up. i dont want her around me anymore. i feel like i have to show her everytime i change my gloves to prove i have done it. and the little tattle tale wont have anything to say. dam now my jaw is clenched and hurts.... shit. sometimes i really hate my job and the office. seems i cant do anything right anymore. i wear my mask and gloves every day. i get my temperature taken twice a day. i gown up when i am supposed to and yet some halfwit is trying to get me in trouble. she is still on the dam course ffs. i have been working at this job for almost 10 yrs. i will never again do this. i will never again agree to a shadow, ever.

on a happier note i got some trading cards today. was nice happy mail. i need to make up some cards to trade. lots are trading for halloween right now. i am trying to made a few xmas ones. i finished a large teacup one. i might post it on sat. brent still needs to take a picture of it for me. i really like how it turned out. hope someone else likes it too.

i still have a few things left to do. will call it a night and hopfully get some sleep tonight. see you all tomorrow.