its september 11. where were you on this day? i was getting ready for work living in a basement apartment. i worked in a used book store. i watched on tv what was happening and could not believe my eyes. later when more information came out it was still hard to understand why.
i got alot done yesterday and i have to work today. i have some things i need to get done before work, i start at 2. i dont like evening shifts. i remind my self that an evening shift in the building is better than driving around in the dark trying to find house numbers when there are no lights on. that always created huge anxiety for me, and now with the vision issues i have had i dont see well in the dark like i used to.
so i need to get some laundry out, and when brent gets out of bed i want to change the sheets. we dont spend much time together as he works late and i work early.
i also want to finish up the spagetti sauce too. it will have to be canned tomorrow, i wont have time today. it will simmer most of the day too.
and that should be enough sauce to last for along time. i also have the dehydrator full too . i have to empty that today. i have been grinding up the veg in to powder for soups .
the sun is out for a change ,after days of rain and cloud. maybe it will warm up too.
later... home from work now. it was a very long day. i am tired and sore but glad to be home.
i went out for dinner as i had an hour and a half to kill. it was a very quiet dinner as i ate in the car. it was nice though. i am still feeling out of sorts lately. i guess i am missing the kids and grandkids. with all the kids going back to school they have been on my mind. i hope they are doing well in their first week of school. i miss them very much.
i am going to close here for now..see you all tomorrow.