its stupid o clock. i am very tired and very sore. i can hardly move. its monday and hell day. almost all showers. i hope i dont get a dizzy spell like i did last week. i wish they would keep the hallways cooler so i could bring my body temperature down. if i could do that it would help alot. since i have gone back to work labour day weenend 2 months ago i have lost 10lbs. yes i can stand to loose weight and such but i am loosing it without trying. most of the time i am too hot and tired to want to eat. so i dont.
i also have to go to the bank today and pay my bills in person because the stupid bank machine was not working. what pisses me off the most is they keep saying use the dam thing and when i need to its not bloody working.
i looked out the bedroom window before i came down and we didnt get much snow. thank goodness. its below freezing so the windows will be a challange. scraping the windows hurts my shoulders alot. i use up so much energy just doing that. i hate winter.
much later...
home from work now. after work i went and paid the bills and went to staples and got a new mouse. i dont like the built in mouse on my laptop. i also went to the dollar store looking fo spice jars. none to be had there. and they dont sell spice racks either. i want to organize my spices better but not being able to find what i need is not helping me.
it was a very long day. i can hardly walk now. got all my showers done and everyone is happy. only 2 more days to go. i had some left overs for dinner. i got a store bought dinner for tomorrow. so that is taken care of. its hard to think of something new for dinner everyday when you dont want to cook. i can cook just dont want to.
i wanted to do some art tonight. i am just too tired and can think. so will leave it for tonight. maybe tomorrow will be better. i forgot to get my uniform out for tomorrow too.
time for bed see you all tomorrow....