its sunday again. the days go by and it still feels like a blurr. sometimes i wonder how i got through the day.
i get up and go to work and come home. repeat. this is my weekend off and i am trying to get a few things done. i am making a boiled dinner for today. i have started to clean the gardens too. i use the timer so i am not out there too long. an hour at most so i dont hurt myself. i was out an hour this morning and will try for an hour this afternoon. i just cant spend all day doing gardening. my body wont let me. i am not sure how i will get the vegetable beds done. they need to be turned over again.
blake was supposed to move in at the end of june. he wont be. i sensed something was off. i finally messaged him and asked what was going on. and all he could say was he has to get going on the sunroom. and suddenly i felt he should not let him move in. at this point i still dont know who his gf is. i said to blake i dont think he should move in because i dont need flack from his gf. then he says i would like her and i might even know her. he tells me her name and my heart stops. its like this is a horrible nightmare. his gf is the one who tried to get me fired last fall. i said no way no how are you living here. go live at her house. i think i was a back up plan anyhow. if things didnt work out with her he still had his room here. now there is no back up plan. but i also have no help around the house.
so i am now having to do all the chores on my own. its the heavy stuff that is hard on me. i can do some of it...but when it come to asking for help who do i ask??? and if i ask will they say no or are they all too busy. i dont know. i am sore right now and will take some pain meds soon. i am going to try and get another section done in the front garden later. i sure miss having brent here to help with the outside work. he did so much to help keep things going.
i did the aviary yesterday and the cages in the back room. cat boxes done on friday. today is the rabbit cage.
all i want to do is sleep right now. i need to bring some things upstairs and try and get another bag sorted. now that the sunroom is on hold i will continue to go through things and get as much out as possible. maybe i can finish it someday.
i still have not heard from my youngest son since january when he asked for money. i dont know where he lives or if he is even still working.
ok back now...had dinner and will go back outside soon to do another hour outside. see how i feel tomorrow. i hope i wont be too sore. i am trying to get an hour in the yard everyday. not much i know but its about all i can handle.
the dating site had yielded a big fat egg. will give it one more week and then delete profile. i met brent online i was hoping lightning would strike twice. all the guys want is sex. no friendship. and i am getting men from everywhere but here messaging me and that is even more annoying. so it looks like it will be just me from now on.