its the new year. christmas has come and gone. i am glad its finally over. all it did this year was bring back memories of brent and how sick he was, and the fact i was working as usual.
my oldest also had a birthday, he is 37now. hard to believe. time has gone by so fast. he has done well for himself and for his family. he is visiting his grandmother out of town this week. i am glad he decided to go see her. i am sure she misses family alot now that her husband is gone too.
it is a few days later and my life has been turned upside down. my son and his wife have broken up for reason only known to them. he has come to live with me until he can decide what to do next. i dont have a problem with that. i am very happy he could ask to come back home. i would imagine it was very hard for him to ask. i know he is not happy with the clutter but i did promise to make an effort for it to be better for him. it will also push me to get rid of more stuff a little faster too.
we are also locked down again. so its 3 weeks of everything being closed again. i am being tested every time i go into work. i am glad as then i know i am negative being as i work with seniors.
my friend has asked for 2 more of the bird ornaments , so i have been working on those as well as my quilt. the birds are fun to make and small enough i can work them up pretty quick.
i got called in to work on my day off today. i says ok i will come in if i get paid double....and dam if they didnt say ok. so i work 2 hours today and get paid for 4. big bonus for me. in the long run i will be working 10 days. it will be a very long stretch until my next day off, but i have bills to pay as well all do.