its wed and tomorrow is my day off finally. i am very tired and sore right now. i did shopping and errands after work. i picked up my new address labels and i really like how they turned out. i am eager to start using them, but will finish with the old ones first.
i did some photocopying today too. so i have some new ideas for cards ready to go. i started the dragon card and the paint is drying now. i might add a bit of background just to fill it in a bit. its a blue dragon this time. i am finally caught up on my mailing too. i want to start a new tea cup card too. i really like making those and they trade pretty well too.
i thought my shadow was supposed to be with me at work today but no one told me she was not coming again till friday. would have been nice to get an email. sometimes i hate the office. i had a couple of my clients complain to me about another worker today. they said she was not what they are used to in a worker. she was not neat and clean. her hair was very messy and was not polite to them at all. it always surprises me when my clients ask me when i am coming back again. i mean it shouldnt but it does. the only think is they like my work and want me all the time. some of the ladies also like the way i help them shower. they always want me to wash their back several times....not because i didnt do it right but because it feels good.
i am planning on making a few things tomorrow, such as muffins and apple crisp. i got a bag of apples on the discount cart. i dont want to spend all day in the kitchen. i will be back to work on friday and very tired by friday night. i got a few veg for the dehydrator too. wondering if i should put the big pot on for soup. most days i would rather have soup than some big meal. i think i got so tired of making meat and potatoes with my first husband i just dont want to do it anymore. its alot of work and dishes.
one of the most annoying things brent does is when he pours his coffee he makes a mess on the counter and does not clean it up. i just do it but it still pisses me off. i should not have to clean up his coffee off the counter.
well its late and i am what else is new. see you all tomorrow.