july 1st. another holiday we are not doing anything about. i finished cleaning the birds and got laundry out. planned nothing for dinner as brent is off. he can do something for dinner. for me i am so hot i am not even hungry. just as well i think i have gained 2lbs. my cough has been acting up alot the last couple of days. the pineapple juice is helping though. i am just so tired of being tired. if there was something magic that would give me my energy back i would certainly take it in a heartbeat.
i fall asleep at weird times. i can still sleep at night , like a rock. then there are some nights i cant sleep at all. almost every day i have a hard time staying awake. so to stay awake i dont allow myself to sit for very long in case i fall asleep. but in this heat its hard not to feel sleepy.
even the cats find the heat bad. they are moving around on the tiles looking for a cool one. most of the time i find them in the bathroom trying to cool off somehow.
i am not feeling so inclined to do anything creative lately. i try and knit or do my collage page but it just does not feel joyful. i have things to finish. so i make myself work on the socks. even when its hot. least a row or two. so far i have knit 13 pairs of socks since the end of jan. i will have some new socks for the fall....