So another day of finger poking on this thing. I guess I should not complain at least I have something to write an entry on.

So glad I am home from work. It was a long morning. Sometimes I get so tired of making small talk and answering dumb questions like it cold out. I say in my head yes it's fucking cold out it's November ffs. I just answer yes an leave it at that.

Now brent wants to know what's for dinner. And I am thinking you are home all morning why didn't you make something. I am tired of cooking. Tea and toast forever! I don't know what it is with men and wanting meat and potatoes. I can live without that everyday.

Only thing that bugs me the most about not having my laptop is all my patterns I have saved on it. There is something to be said for paper.

Don't think my entries will be very long with all this finger typing. This goes so slow I loose track of what my train of thought was.

I fell asleep during my show again. It sucks getting up at 430am so I can function somewhat. I go to bed when brent I still working and he is sleeping while I am at work. We don't spend hardly any time together.

I have been working on a few cards for trade this weekend. I traded one today. I will have a couple of Xmas cards ready to post when they are dry as well. I was hoping the die cuts I ordered would have come in today. I ordered them from Amazon. I have been trying some new ideas like the cut out bird I did, so far no takers. I thought it was going to be traded fast. It's hard to guess what people will trade for.

Well my typing finger is getting sore...see you all tomorrow