So my laptop has crapped out again. No idea why. So I am trying to type an entry on a tablet. It's going to take me forever. I am used to touch typing and this business off one finger typing sucks but will do my best to write a decent entry. It's almost like writing it by hand it's that slow.

Yesterday was a long day and after work I had a couple of errands to get done. I picked up an auction item and got gas, then it was over to the garage to see if I could get some air for my tires. So got my tires topped up and made an appt for an oil change. That is for next week.

With my laptop not working again it's going to be harder to add pictures for card trading. Sometimes I am not good at figuring things out like cell phones and laptops. I am still making some Xmas cards . The going is slow but something is better than nothing. I have posted a few but no takers yet. Which is kind of disappointing I thought people liked my work. I am caught up on my mail outs and letters. So I guess I will work on some more cards.

The cats caught a mouse after I left for work. Brent saw them playing with it and carrying it around for a couple of hours. One of the cats likes to sleep in the rabbit cage. Strange.

Well this typing with one finger is getting on my nerves...see you all tomorrow