so shopping is done. it was very quiet. but we try and get to the store really early. no lineups. but with everything being closed we could not stop for coffee...i was dying for a tea. so home we came. not much planned for the day. usual chores and such. see what happens pain wise. i dont have anything to eat or drink before i go out as there are no public bathrooms open right now. and i dont want to have to go and no place to go too. so its just as well we are not out long.
its snowy and cold here and had to wear mittens this morning. the weather channel says we are in a polar vortex. so we wont see any warm temps for at least a week . i never liked winter ever. even when i was growing up i never liked going out when it was cold. on the other hand my kids like it for the fishing. go figure. when i was too the point where i could decide what kind of coat i wanted for winter i said i wanted a mans coat. why says my mother. i says they are warmer and have tons of pockets. they are longer have hoods and usually a really good lining. so been doing that now for years. i get cold easy now. so a good warm coat is important. same with pants. cant find womans pants to fit me.
though i am not hungry i have to eat to be able to take my meds and not throw up. and i have learned to take them after i eat and not before. life is so hard sometimes. my memory is getting worse and sometimes i forget what i want from one room to the next. i ask brent to remind me i have laundry on the line so i dont leave it out over night. i bought a timer so i would not forget things in the oven. i have left the stove on and gone out too. that scared me the most.
i can still do alot of canning. but sooner or later it will slow down or stop. i do what i can when i can. last thing i canned was homemade beans...they turned out pretty good being as i had never made them before. if nothing else i know we will be ok if we dont go to the store for a few weeks. but the cats might revolt with no
i have always been able to pick up and do things with little or no instruction. i learn things from books mostly. but some things i need to be shown. i can do alot for example over my lifetime i have learned how to knit, crochet, embroider, quilt, paint, design greeting cards, canning, drying of food. its a lot. it is something i was hoping to pass on to my granddaughters. but with what is going on right now with my son i doubt it. maybe when they get older, and maybe have not forgotten me and if there is time i will teach them.