so todays shopping day. i cant eat or drink anything before we go out as there are no public washrooms open right now. so the outings are usually hour or so. not much to get this week so wont be long at grocery store. the farmers market will open for the summer today as well. i hope they have good weather.

i have one poor button quail left. the others have passed on. old age mostly. no eggs from this last one in a long time so she will go soon i think. always sad when i find a bird that has died over night. i tried to hatch eggs from the buttons but they are hard to work with as the eggs are so small. the babies are only the size of a bubble bee, so incredibly tiny and fragile. i had greater success in hatching quail eggs, but i have not hatched any for 2 yrs now. i will miss all of their “talking” during the day once they are all gone.

so home now and all errands done till next sat. its the long weekend and thought it would be busier. didnt have to wait in line which was a bonus. so in and out and on the road. brent even took me for breakfast. we got served in the car like the old a and w used to be. it was fun and nice and quiet. not sure if i could get used to a noisy restaraunt again. but it was good to get out and put normal clothes on.

i am having a hard time finding coloured copy paper. guess i will need to go online. not that i want to. but no choice it seems right now. i have a few things in the cart for amazon but not sure if it will take 2 or 3 months to get it.

dinner meat is prepped and i need a nap. didnt sleep well last night. will leave this for today and be back tomorrow.

i am not sure if anyone is reading this but if you want me to keep this public keep the numbers going up.