well didnt i brain fart on friday. i wrote and entry but didnt publish it. so there will be 2 today. one from friday and one from today. its rainy today and we spent alot of the day inside of course.

our picnic went well yesterday. i packed enough food for about 6 people. i neve know how much to make as brent is always hungry. he is skinny as a rake and eats like there is no tomorrow. so i packed 4 sausage, and 3 small steaks. i made macaroni salad and veg and dip. there was fruit for snack . we packed enough equipment for a weekend of camping, geez . anyhow we are not allowed to do over night camping right now. we found a nice spot and spent the day relaxing. brent did some fishing. i did some knitting and of course got lunch and dinner ready too. the day was very warm and i fell asleep in the shade. my fibro was pretty good considering all the work i did the day before. i just get tired easily. brent says i slept for about 45 min.

dinner turned out good. we cooked it on the bbq. first one we have had all summer. i made up some mushrooms and onions too. been a long time since we spent time outside like that.

brent says he is worried that i wont go outside anymore. i do go out. mostly to the store and back . errands and such too. i think with the problems with my eyes i am not wanting to take a chance and drive. even though i have been driving because i have to, not because i want to. its true i dont want to go out. i dont want to deal with people and all the crap out there. i dont want to deal with peoples attitude and what ever their mood is that day. i am so tired of it.

i have no desire to meet people anymore. i never was one to have many friends, and over the last few years a lot of the friends i did have stopped keeping in touch. i did try and keep in touch with them but got no response. so i gave up. i wont chase people.

anyhow back to the picnic. we had a great day , great weather . after dinner we had a small fire and watched the sun start to go down over the water. we didnt see any wild life but alot of bugs oh and the mouse who tried to get into the bbq.

i was very very tired when we got home it was after dark. while unloading the car one of the cats got out. he would not come back in until this morning. brent says he heard cats fighting in our yard. so loki did the walk of shame this morning. he came in and went to get something to eat and then to sleep in the tub. why he sleeps in the tub i have no idea. but i dont see any visible injuries , maybe just his ego. his brothers have been keeping an eye on him.

i am going to close here for now as i am getting tired....see you all tomorrow...i will post this time....ha