well i am up again at stupid o clock. i have to be back at work for 730 am after working till 9pm. i am so tired and sore right now. i didnt even remember to write last night i was so tired. i work split shift today. so i wont be able to get anything done. the office keeps changing my hours around with out even telling me. i hate my work phone and sometimes i really hate work. i finished the tomato sauce yesterday. not sure what else i can get done today. the cat boxes need to be done and the aviary as well.

this is day 3 of 6 days in a row. i am not sure how long i will last on this type of shedule.

on the upside i was able to make a trade with some of my cards yesterday. the first 2 are going to nova scotia. then i have 2 going to usa and another going to germany. cant wait to get what i traded for in return.

brent has finally started helping more around the house. so i am glad about that. i still have grocery shopping to do . no idea where i am going to find the time to do that.

later. day is half over now. i still have to go back to work at 5. i should stop and pick up some stamps today before work as everything will be closed tomorrow. i can then get a couple of the cards in the mail box at least. i have a couple of hours this afternoon and i will try and finish another card. i am not sure how many copies of each i should make. at least 2 i guess. one for me and one to trade. i can always make another if i want to. keep the first one for reference.

i doubt i will have the energy to write more tonight after work. so i will close here for now and see you all tomorrow.