well i dont know where spring went. it sure is dam cold today. i had to put socks and my big sweater on and but the heating pad on my back.
i found time to do some art today. which i loved every minute of. i made a cake to use up the goose egg. we are having left overs tonight so brent can heat up his dinner when he is ready.
it is supposed to start warming up tomorrow. i hope so cause i am worried about my plants in the garden. at least we are not going to get snow like father north is. we need heat and sun for the plants to grow. at the rate we are going now we may not get any veg at all.
i feel so useless sometimes. i try and try and cant seem to get much done. most days it seems like i am going in circles. so many things need to get done and i am still stuck at the start.
tomorrow is shopping day. will also be dropping off some donations too. i got 2 book shelves sorted and for now it is what i want to keep. as i was going along i also dusted and cleaned the books. i dont know why the house is so dusty all the time. guess its where we live.
i have had a very rough week emotionally. i have been very sad and i just wanted to go away and not come back. and i dont think anyone would really notice if i moved or not i dont have any close friends. the one friend i did have died 8 yrs ago. i miss her so much. most people asked if we were sisters. we thought alot alike. she like me was an artist. i have her work all over the house. i talk to her every day and wonder if she hears me....