well its early, very early,530. been up an hour and already i have done a load of laundry. it seems the cat wanted to barf on the curtain and blanket so in the washer it went. not what i wanted to be doing at 430am thats for sure. i have to leave in about an hour so i better get dressed and finish packing my bag its going to be a very long day. will write more when i get home.

much much later

its after dinner now and i am done in. i am very tired and sore but i made it through the day. i think the CBD is really helping. with all the walking i have to do in the building its hard on my back and feet. i will have to look into getting some different shoes. overall though today went well and i had a few small breaks here and there. my pain level is high right now so i will take an extra pain med later. i also got more tomatoes on stove cooking down. the first batch is strained and looks great! i think its the best tomato sauce i have ever made.

i also got in a little bit of time on my art too. now i wait for paint and glue to dry. i am still not sure what to do about the back of the trading cards. i want it to look nice on the back too.

as i am starting to fall asleep now i will close and head to the shower and then bed....see you all tomorrow..