well its going to be a long day. i have been awake since about 4am. i have my meeting at work to pick up my phone. i dont know what else i will have time for today. i am hurting today because of doing so much yesterday. i will be reloading the dehydrator later. i am also trying to think of something for dinner. reservations sounds like a plan to me. but with brent working until 830 its not going to happen. with covid and most places not being open much yet it wont happen any time soon.

much later. i made it to work and got my phone and schedule . i dont know how i am going to work back to back clients for 8 hours. guess i will find out on monday. i see 11 people on monday. tomorrow i see 6. i feel tired just thinking about it. the one good thing about this is i will be working in one place. so my fear of driving will go down, and the fear i had of trying to find street numbers in the dark. it has its good points and bad. i will try for the life of me to focus on the good.

we went out for dinner which i am very grateful for. i have left over for lunch tomorrow. i will eat before work and that will be it until the next day.

its 830pm and its dark out. fall is coming, and winter is not far behind.

i am really tired right now so i will close here for now and see you all tomorrow.