Well that is incredibly annoying . I started an entry and now it's gone. And with how long it takes for me to type on this thing it's very frustrating.

I did not feel up to writing an entry the last few days. After working split shift and not getting enough sleep I was just too tired. I still have chores to do and need to shower as well.

I made it through the day. I am very sore and very tired. My pain level is very high and I need to be in bed soon.

Later. Chores done and I had something to eat. Almost time for bed the weather has turned crappy. I dug out my boots and can only hope the roads are ok in the morning.

I have more showers to do tomorrow and I hope I don't pass out because of the heat. I am so tired of just giving and giving. I feel so empty when I get home. I had to ex plain to brent that I need some alone time to regroup. I think he finally gets it.

I am going to bed now see you all tomorrow.