How did I get here?
When I first learnt that I had created a fire hazard of my eight year old MacBook Air by spilling nail varnish on it, I was mildly annoyed. Annoyed because I now needed to buy a new one (though secretly excited by that), and annoyed that I had lost some of the data I hadn’t got around to backing up. I am a bit of a clumsy person and have lost many a phone to this, though this was the first computer to pay that particular price.
It turned out though to be the jolt I needed to start writing again.
Somehow, a fresh start without most of the old file clutter helped me to mentally clear away the clutter in my own brain.
The novel I started years ago, which I stopped writing due to personal events, was suddenly back at the forefront of my mind. When I stopped writing some three years ago, the frustration of feeling like my story never made progress meant I sometimes actively tried to avoid engaging with it. Now it’s back, like an old friend or a well worn jumper, ready to engage and provide comfort again.
For the past few years I have not felt much like myself, and the expectation of putting word to page stirs some much more optimistic and positive thoughts about myself. Though I hardly expect this site to get many views, either now or even in the near future, just the act of writing is a balm to my rather ragged soul. I’ll keep on, even if it’s to a crowd of one (me).
KS x