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2 Life Events in the Next 11 Months


In a deep yet light-hearted conversation my wife and I were having the other day, I expressed to her in a loving tone that I wanted to see 2 things happen this year. The 2 events that I would like to witness over the next 11 months are: 1) buy a home and 2) go on vacation. Currently we are renting a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 800 sq. ft. upstairs portion of a home down the road from our church. We were happy when we initially moved in, but as our family continues to grow, the tiny space makes it increasingly difficult to function.

What type of home are we looking for? We aren't ready for our dream home just yet which leaves us with plenty of options for our starter home. We would like to transition into a move-in ready single-family with a minimum of 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2 living areas, a kitchen with an island, and a decent-sized back yard. To me, I don't worry about aesthetics such as cabinets and counter-tops because I focus more on the functionality of a home. My wife on the other hand prefers an updated look which is fine with me too.


One item that I have wanted for many years and am not willing to compromise on is a hot tub. Hot tubs, in my opinion, provide the most relaxing, enjoyable experience a person could ask for. It's basically like sitting down inside Heaven as it washes over you with warm waves of liquid goodness. Ok, I'm getting over-excited now but you get the idea. Within the first 1 or 2 years after purchasing a home is when I would like to install a hot tub, preferably in an outdoor, enclosed patio area.

Speaking of hot tubs, here's a favorite photo of mine with my gorgeous wife in a hot tub on our anniversary cruise 10 years ago. We set sail for a week with our best friends' family, traveling down to the Bahamas and then Key West.

Aren't we the cutest couple? Ok, moving on...

Either before or after we purchase our home, I would like us all to go on a vacation. Some wouldn't consider a vacation as a life event, but to our family it would be. We haven't been on a family vacation in a long time and it would be super nice to have that time away to relax and enjoy some care-free moments together. Knowing me, I will probably bring my laptop along because I'll be inspired to document the trip with witty blog articles.

I'd even be happy with a weekend get away to be honest. Doesn't have to be a full-on, exotic vacation to Hawaii or anything. (but hey if it is, so be it!) What does my ideal vacation look like? Good food, comfortable beds, and good company. As long as the food tastes good, the beds don't leave us achy, and the people are friendly, I'm happy as a clam (I didn't know clams are happy creatures).

Real-life footage of me on our future vacation ;) Source

The next 11 months are going to be an adventure, who knows what is in store for our family. No matter what happens, God will direct us in the path He knows is best (which hopefully is a home and a vacation). Find out what additional life event may take place later this year in the subscriber bonus section...

3rd life event...

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