Growth and Prosperity in the Digital Asset Space

Operation Swell 2020 – Commitment


What is commitment? What does it mean to you? What are you committed to in your life? Your job? Your family? Your faith? Your diet? Social media? Your business? Your hobbies? A bad habit? Your morning coffee? Making the world a better place? Or, let's be honest, how about just making it through the day? Sometimes the goal is to get to the end of the day without losing your mind.

The fact is, we are all committed to something whether we consciously realize it or not. Some of the things we commit to aren't necessarily healthy, while other commitments benefit us as well as the people in our lives. Sticking to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will not only benefit you, but others as they witness your increased energy and positive attitude.

Last year, I committed to taking action and being chosen to attend Swell 2020 in London. I knew that if I put my head down and went to work, that eventually that work would be recognized and I would receive an invitation to the event. Meeting the Ripple team would further solidify my trust and belief in the company and also the digital asset space in general.

One of the challenges to being a retail investor in cryptocurrency is that you are oftentimes alienated from the rest of the community due to physical location. For instance, the closest person I know in the XRP community lives hours away which is an entire state over. I haven't met anyone else that lives in Ohio like I do. Twitter, Telegram, and Coil work as good communication tools for the short-term, meeting up in person works well for the long-term.

Is the commitment still in high gear to attend Swell this year? Absolutely. I recognize the power of live events because I have attended several in the past. Events change a person from the inside out, giving them a strong burst of excitement for today and hope for the future. The only way that myself, or anyone else will achieve great things, is through being committed no matter what happens along the way.

Oftentimes I will hear the line, “Life got in the way” so I couldn't do this or do that. What that person is really saying is, “I had priorities that were higher on the list than that particular commitment”. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day.

The difference between those who get things done versus those that don't, is the way they prioritize their commitments.

In today's instant gratification society, people are used to getting what they want right away. Waiting can be difficult, especially if the desire for a particular goal is quite strong. In the waiting though is where character is built and where perseverance is cultivated. Important life traits such as these are not activated through instant gratification, but instead through long-term commitment.

Swell by Ripple is coming up later this year in London. I've never been out of the country besides Canada, so it would be a fun adventure to leave my comfort zone and arrive someplace new. Consider this the first Operation Swell 2020 update of the new year with more to come as the weeks progress. The constant stream of news and developments within the Ripple ecosystem are fascinating and continue to amaze.

Thank you for reading.

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