Special essay to my favorite person who has her 18th birthday, Ten-chan.

Happiest birthday to my teenager baby.
Dear Ten-chan,

Oh I can't believe it's already your 18th birthday! I don't know why time goes by so fast, right? I feel that just yesterday we celebrated your sweet seventeen, and now we have entered a new age. How can I tell you that it feels like I'm raising a child. I started getting to know you when you were 13 years old (and you looked like a child!). now you have grown into a very very cool girl!

Thank you for your hard work so far. Being a pillar of the group and also a model at a young age, I know it's not easy. But, once again I will say from the bottom of my heart a sentence of thanks to you!

So, for your birthday this year, I hope you can discover many more new things in your life. Let's keep running with Sakurazaka46 and Buddies who are always around you.

Ten-chan, a little baby who is afraid of cute furry animals, likes reptiles, likes taking pictures and is good at using a camera, and is a turtle lover.

Ten-chan, the little baby Buddies who is now a senior in her group. You will always be our baby.

Ten-chan, the little baby who has become the pillar of the Sakurazaka46 group, she has worked very hard.

And finally, I hope time will heal you, as there's still so much of the world for you to walk through and I'd love to be there with you until the end. I may not be the strongest person but for you, I'll stay strong so whenever you need a pillar to lean on, I'll be there.

Happy birthday Yamasaki Ten🐢🤍
大好き だよ!


ああ、もう18歳の誕生日だなんて信じられない!なぜ時間がこんなに早く過ぎてしまうのか分かりません。昨日、皆さんの素敵な17歳を祝ったばかりですが、今、私たちは新しい時代に入ったように感じます。まるで子育てをしているような気分だと、なんと言えばいいでしょうか。私があなたを知り始めたのは、あなたが 13 歳のときでした (そして、あなたは子供に見えました!)。今、あなたはとてもとても素敵な女の子に成長しました!







大好き だよ!
