Genesis 22:1

After these events, God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!”
Abraham answered, “I’m here.”

This is the beginning of one of the most disturbing stories in all of scripture. God tests Abraham to see if this one who God trusts is trustworthy enough to be the one who God carries ou

t the promise. What I want to discuss today is how Abraham listens to God. So often we find ourselves caught up in what we are doing that we neglect to listen to God, much less those around us. How often have we been in situations where we have been sharing what is on our hearts and those who we are speaking with are not listening?

Or how often do we look to the news and see people talking past each other, knowing that they are right and the other person, if they could only see it their way, would understand that they are wrong. Politicians do this, we see this happen in our local community life as well. We have an endemic of lack of listening. The invitation here is to listen. To God, to others, to nature. To hear where hurts are and come along side caring for those who hurt. It is in those moments where we are able to see God.

Let us practice our listening skills so that we are able to hear where God is calling us through God’s creation. Amen

#bible #genesis #devotion