My Post Capitalist Exercises

I really dislike advertising. I find it offensive. If someone wants something they can research and find it. Putting ads everywhere to inspire people to buy things seems so wildly inefficient. Google, one of the biggest companies on the planet is based on providing a service and tricking people into seeing ads. How wildly inefficient that seems. All that wealth flowing through advertisers should be staying with the business creating value or in the pockets of people. I wonder how much of global warming can be attributed to the energy that goes into advertising. How much light pollution blocking out the stars is from lighting up billboards. How much human effort has been poured into ads that could have been used elsewhere.

My meager efforts to live a post-capitalist post-advertising life include:
* using adblockers and a Pi Hole to stop ads from reaching me
* a VPN to limit how much of my information is being fed to advertising algorithms
* using services like and proton mail that i pay for instead of google and social media
* not using Amazon and buying things physically from local shops
* buying durable goods used whenever i can
* shopping locally and with coops and B Corps
* not buying advertising for my business

This is super nerdy but I try to live like I am in the federation from star trek tng. not for the sci-fi parts, but rather the humanist philosophy. Living like I am post scarcity and post-capital. I am in reality living in Austin TX in the 21st century and have a twitter account and consume a lot of diet soda. Bu I am trying to give my energy to expanding my own experience and knowledge and helping others. I try to get out my telescope and look at the moon often. I try to garden and make sure there are flowers for bees and nesting material for birds. And Try to limit my youtube time to slightly less than being constantly on.