Connecting the Curated with the Untamed


I spent the last week traveling for work. I got home yesterday afternoon, minutes before the kids got home from school. I was excited to see them. Video calls are great, but just aren't the same as seeing someone you love and care about in person. We played a bit. I unpacked. I put on a load of laundry.

While I was away, the oldest of my spawns had learned to make bread in culinary class. They insisted on making some for me to try.

I layed in bed, trying to stay awake, while the bread was being made.

Travel is exhausting.

The youngest bounced back and forth from the couch with cartoons proffered up on the TV and my bed. I cought little snippets of a nap, but nothing to be excited about.

The bread was very good.

My spouse came home. Looking just as tired as I felt. I'm sure their week was equally, if not more, trying. Solo parenting is no easy thing.

Grandparents came and collected the youngest for their weekly sleepover.

We layed around. It was getting late, but no one felt like cooking dinner. The oldest spawn and I went out for sushi and poke bowls. Brought some back for my spouse, but they were already asleep.

I watched TV.


Still feeling lazy, we all ate sushi and leftover edamame for breakfast.

More laundry.

Chit-chat over mugs of coffee and empty plastic sushi trays.

More laundry. The washing, not the putting away.

Grandma returned the youngest. We watched the newest episode of Bluey. I won't spoil it for you. It was good though.

Take out the trash.

The rest of the weekend will likely play out in a similar fashion.

I need to get my kayak out of storage. I bought some upgrades for it that came in while I was away. I want to get them put on and get out on the water for the first time since last fall.

Maybe tomorrow.

I downloaded Todoist, but I've yet to delve into it. I'm not sure it will work for me, but we will see. Maybe I'll get to later today. Maybe I won't. I'm not in a hurry.

Groceries need to be ordered.

Picked up.

The oldest needs new clothes.

The humdrum cycle of life.

Until next week.


