Connecting the Curated with the Untamed

Why This Blog

First, I would like to thank you for stopping by my messy little corner of the Internet. It's not much, but it's mine. I like it here and I hope you will too.

I have blogged off and on for years on a variety of topics. I've had personal blogs, homesteading blogs, video game diary blogs, but nothing stuck, or rather, I didn't stick to them. I am hoping this will be different.

This blog, Librarian in the Wild, if you haven't figured it out already by the name, is primarily about my adventures, musings and experiences as a librarian. However, I have no desire to write about work all the time, so I will be throwing in pieces that cover the outdoor adventures I have with my family. I'm sure some other topics will find their way in as well.

I want this to be a place to get more engaged with the library profession and where I can have discussions with people who have similar interests in the outdoors. I came to librarianship in a rather roundabout way, (that's a post for another day) but I love this field and want to give back in some way, no matter how small.

On the professional side, I want to use this space to toss around ideas. Discuss the in-and-outs of librarianship. Talk shop on leadership, continuing education and more. I also want to have a log of my successes and failures. Successes are great, but the most learning occurs whenever we fail. Using this space for taking an in-depth look at my blunders will help me learn that much more and maybe you can learn something along the way too.

What makes me think I have the knowledge to write about librarianship. Well, in all honesty, not a lot. However, I have been working in public libraries for right around seven years at this point. I do have my Masters of Science in Library Science from an American Library Association certified institution and I'm pretty active in my state's library association. In those seven years, I've worked as a circulation clerk, youth services librarian and now as an assistant library director. I've ran, or assisted with, everything from storytimes and summer reading programs, adult computer classes, grant writing and project management to fundraising campaigns for building projects. While none of this makes me an expert, it does give me experience. I've learned much over the past 7 years and I continue to learn more as my career develops. Learn along with me. Laugh at my blunders. Maybe even shed a sympathetic tear if you're going through something, at your library, similar to anything I post.

On the personal side, I want a place to catalog the outdoor adventures I have with my family. I've been a lifelong lover and enjoyer of the outdoors and want to actively instill that same appreciation in my children. Plus, let's face it, as a librarian, I spend an inordinate amount of time indoors, and a little sunshine is always good for the soul.

If all of that sounds good to you, then please, stick around and enjoy.

#librarian #outdoors #first #libraries