The Real & The Raw

Alcoholism: Hereditary or a Generational Curse?

I heard a story one time about twin boys who endured the effects of living with an alcoholic. One son followed his father's path and alcohol took over his life, his brother however, never touched a drop. 

I have a line of heavy alcohol drinkers in my family, so I see the repercussions of pain that travels through the generations. As a matter of fact, I myself endured the torment that came along with it as well, but that's a story for another day.. It was not necessarily the alcohol that was the deleterious part, because most of the trauma happened in sobriety. Growing up I always wondered why people even drink in the first place, considering alcohol is known to be a depressant, why do we feel the need/want to consume poison? 

I laugh along with my friends when alcoholic jokes are made, and I admit I'm first in line to go out for drinks, but in all actuality what makes the jokes funny? With the understanding that those who have a generational history of addiction are more likely pick up an addiction of their own what are we really laughing at?

I'm writing this now as a 23 year old who has spent way too many nights blacked out and far too many mornings regretting it. This sparks a few of my questions... Is alchoholism a generational curse? or am I doomed before I even have a chance to fight it?

I have my dad's, eyes, hairline, and hair colour, my uncle's laugh, welcoming personality, and height, and my grandfather's smile & interests. We can see that many different aspects about me have been passed down from family members, so what about addiction? 

Personally, I think its a mental curse.. something that can be lifted. I see pain that accompanies addiction and can choose to break that cycle here so that my kids and their kids don't have to endure the things I went through. Except, is it enough to want a change? When it comes to breaking a curse, you have to go through raw and vivid pain.. 

Am I strong enough?