A blind watchmaker creates a timepiece that fermentates vision.
It is the Mystery than tells the time, not the known. Just as drops of Sunlight dancing upon the palms of each hand, elevates the concept of numbers.
Each pulse of a heartbeat is accentuated by irregularity not symmetry.
The serendipitiousness canvas of Now is the carpentry of tomorrow.
The watchmaker understands thoughtlessness, therefore The Unfathomable visualizes Uncreation.
The non-duality of timelessness is evolution watching the watchmaker, wildly, with no retrospect nor forethought, whilst the watchmaker turns the page, of the reading of evolution.
When bread rises from the astronomical communion of surreptitious design, minerals are the inconspicuous grains which tides the shores of the spheres of zero gravity.
The motif of motiflessness are the clouds of thoughts which perpetuate the inertia of tachyonization, which goes beyond the speed of light, ayond the celerity of sound and perceptibility.